Soap is the most common household product that we use every single day. It is a ritual that has been around over a thousand years. Babylonians used to mix fats and ashes to the first soap. In this modern time, there are lots of procedures to make soap, but the key ingredient is still the same. There are several methods of making soap. The quality is best on cold process soap. It has a lot of benefits, unlike all the other process.
All natural: The hot process of making soap decreases the goodness of all these oils. But the cold process involves no heating whatsoever. The goodness of oils and butters combined with other ingredients and benefits are all preserved. This ensures that your body gets all the moisture whenever you are using this soap.
Luxurious bath: Hot process method used soaps are not very good at making leathers. The cold process is more efficient in making leather. This kinds of soap make incredible leather. It will allow you to have a luxurious bath every day. Not just luxurious bath. Cold process soap benefits your skin by making it smoother and brighter.
Forget dry hands: We wash our hands frequently. We find our hands to be too much rough at the end of the day. A rough hand can harm the hair and skin as well. The intensity of the base level is high which eventually dries our skin. But when cold process soap is made, it should not contain as much base as the store bought one. There will be more goodness in it other than the base. So you will get softer hands with this soap.
Skin Issues, believe it or not we all have some sort of skin issue. Some are just more severe and more prevalent than others. Sometimes we live with a skin issue so long we begin to believe that its normal. As I found out since I've switched to handmade soaps only, its not normal. All my life I've had acne, not just mild acne I mean big yellow pustules, white and black heads. Not to mention I've always hand back acne... the worse kind. Acne is just one type of skin issue, and by using handmade soaps with natural oils I found that my skin type which is combination started to find its balance. Other persons who switched to handmade soaps found that their skin began to find its balance. Oily, dry, sensitive or combination they all balanced out. When you skin balances out you find that the skin issues you used to have tends to dissipate.
Ive seen some damages skin in my life time. As I mentioned ive had acne problems from a child so some parts of my skin have scars and broken or uneven skin tones and texture. This can really mess with your self esteem. However after switching to handmade soaps within the first month of using them I noticed how quickly spots began to fade away. Then those rough patches some how blended in with the rest of my skin. My back acne stared to break out less and less and now I get those occasional break outs when I eat candy. Hey I'm not perfect. Anyway the damages skin that I once had began to heal itself. My skin became more elastic and those thin laugh lines and wrinkles somehow started to fill in.
Like I mentioned above, my laugh lines began to fade slowly away and lord knows I love to laugh so I doubt they will ever fully disappear. The flexibility of my skin the smoothness and pliability of my skin started to change. It wasn't itchy and rough feeling as it used to be and something else started to change. You know that radiant glow children tend to have? Well I didn't get that type of glow but I got a healthy type of glow that made me look just a little bit younger. So much so that persons began to ask what facial mask I was using. LOL isn't that funny.
Skin regulation? whats that? Its just as it states. When you switch to natural soaps, the ingredients in the soaps help remove all they years of chemicals that was built up in your pores. It help stimulate the hair follicles and other parts of the skin. When this happens it some how works around the irregularities of your skin to help balance your skin. So oily skin becomes not so oily any more, dry skin produces the right amount of oil to keep the skin soft and pliable. Combination skin is the most difficult as a person can have oily and dry skin all mixed up together however this doesn't matter as your body has the chance to now repair the dry and the oily parts to make sure your skin balances out. Sensitive which has its own implications tends to not be so sensitive anymore. Ive had stories from persons with sever cases of sensitive skin, where there was nothing they used that would not irritate their skin. One such case used the Mr Grey soap as a sample and they came back with such high praise that they bought an entire loaf of Mr Grey Soap. No matter what type of skin you have switching to handmade natural soaps pretty much gives your body the time it needs to actually regulate the skin. Which leads to the question... Was you commercial soap causing your skin issues?
If bacteria cant survive on your skin then you reduce the likely hood of you contracting some sort of skin disease. Many skin issues started by exposure to some sort of bacteria that could have been easily killed by a simply hand wash. Getting rid of any external non personals chemicals or anything that may penetrate the epidermis of the skin is a big step in avoiding skin diseases. Granted that some diseases are a result of what you ingest in into your body but you have to admit that the largest organ of the human body is on the outside of the body. Its exposed to many different chemicals, liquids and harsh environments each and every day. A good wash from hand washing to a full shower or bath gets rid of a majority of these exposures and helps repair the skin to a balanced level.
There is a constant debate on the usage of soap. The thing is that there are all types of bacteria on your skin normally. Some are good and some are bad, unfortunately soap doesn't care which is which hence it kills and cleans all of them. This is where the debate begins. Good bacteria keep the skin healthy by eating certain parts of the skin and other bacteria ensuring a healthy surface level skin. While these guys are good bad bacteria can be hyperactive and eat much more of your skin causing itching and even infections. The average person skin is actually acidic. This is not a bad thing as this acidic environment makes it hard for certain bacteria even viruses to survive. Handmade soap has a high ph balance which means anything acid, such as your good bacteria is washed away or killed.